Monday 21 December 2009

Audience Feedback

Following their earlier comments, my focus group were pleased to see their ideas had been incorporated into the video. Overall they were very pleased with the result! Having finished editing the video, I also asked the girls who featured in it to join the focus group discussion.

Everyone agreed that the new footage evened out the overall style of the video, in terms of different shot types, and also turning the good/bad idea, into a display of personality. However, one girl commented: "Its a shame you couldn't use to angel/devil theme, I thought that was a really good idea." Unfortunately, I think to have continued with this idea at the stage I was at, would have meant re-filming large segments of my video. Instead I had to work with what I'd got!

Some were impressed by the lip syncing and commented that it is "near perfect!", which I was very pleased with.

Some comments suggested that certain shots looked too unprofessional, and featured the group laughing, or even looking worn out. However, this was first commented on by the girls in the video, and so perhaps was due partly to their deeper insight.

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