Monday 30 November 2009

Audience Feedback

At this stage, from my audience feedback I am finding that the good/bad, angel/devil conceptual theme is not strongly represented, as my focus group did not pick up on it until I asked them about it. However, aside from this they seem to like what I've done so far. In particular, I was complimented on the scenes set in the woods, which another media student was able to identify as an "excellent setting due to the continuous backdrop it provides". Those in the group without a media student's approach to the video were able to see it more in the way the target audience would. They commented:

"I like the scenes in the woods in particular, the sunlight creates really strong colours which look good with the unusual costumes."

"The rooftop scenes are the most effective because of the sky background it gives. It also ties in with the line 'my own world' as the group is far away from the real world down below."

In terms of lip syncing, everyone said it was very good and only needed tweaking in one or two places.

For shot types, the focus groups agreed that the close up shots were good, but also said some more shots like those in the woods, with all three members together would be good to show them dancing as a group.

Thursday 26 November 2009

Sunday 22 November 2009

Friday 13 November 2009